Podcast: ASEAN adoption of integrated reporting
IIRC Chief Strategy Officer, Jonathan Labrey, was recently interviewed for ESG Post’s latest podcast with Evi Afiatin, CFO of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, an…
read moreSSE 10 Years of Impact and Progress Report: Charles Tilley Statement
IIRC Interim CEO, Charles Tilley, attended the Sustainable Stock Exchanges ’10 Years of Impact’ meeting during Climate Week NYC in September 2019.…
read moreCorporate Reporting Dialogue shows high level of alignment between major global reporting frameworks on TCFD recommendations
The Corporate Reporting Dialogue – an initiative bringing together the major standard setters and framework providers globally – released a report today showing…
read moreIIRC Newsletter
The latest news and developments. In this newsletter published September 2019: ‘A leap forward’ – the IIRC publishes 2018 integrated report Blog:…
read more‘A leap forward’ – The IIRC publishes 2018 integrated report with limited assurance
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has published its 2018 integrated report with, for the first time, limited assurance from an independent…
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Integrated reporting in India: 2019
Over the past few years, India has seen remarkable progress in corporate reporting and disclosures. Investor requirements, societal expectations and introduction of…
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Integrated thinking is a game changer for sustainable corporate governance
Since the industrial revolution, the market economy has propelled prosperity, well-being, life expectancy, cultural creativity and personal fulfilment. However, our economy is…
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Have your say on recommended SDG Disclosures
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address issues that impact on long term business success, the health of our planet’s natural environment…
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