KPMG: Rebuilding trust through improved transparency and insight
A review of corporate reporting trends in the year to 30 June 2018 across the ASX200 and beyond.
KPMG Australia’s 5th survey of corporate reporting trends of the ASX 200 has found that nearly half of Australia’s largest listed organisations are now using the principles of integrated reporting to better communicate how they create value to their shareholders and other stakeholders, including investors, customers and employees. This report explores the drivers of change in Australia and focuses on the next steps organisations can take. It also illustrates examples of good practice in corporate reporting which are emerging in Australia.
Key findings:
- 48% of organisations surveyed focused their reporting on value creation for shareholders and/ or other stakeholders and not just historic financial earnings, an increase from 25% in 2017.
- ASX Corporate Governance Council’s revised Corporate Governance Principles & Recommendations (draft 4th Edition) include a proposed corporate reporting recommendation focusing the Board’s attention on the rigour of the processes underpinning what is reported in corporate reports.
- There is a continued shift by listed and non-listed Australian organisations towards using the principles of integrated reporting. Some of Australia’s largest organisations including Qantas, Brambles, AGL, ANZ, Stockland, NAB, GPT and Lendlease are referencing the principles of integrated reporting in their annual reporting portfolio.
- Examples of innovative reporting are emerging, including how technology can be used to help drive the connectivity of information.
KPMG would like to acknowledge Deakin University, with whom KPMG participates in the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) accredited Integrated Reporting Education Australia Consortium, for providing valuable research support for this survey. Deakin University also chairs the oversight body of the IIRC’s Global Academic Network.