Insights into integrated reporting 3.0: The drive for authenticity (ACCA)
This report examines the reporting practices of organisations in the International Integrated Reporting Council’s <IR> Business Network. It highlights the progress made towards integrated reporting over the past year, discusses the challenges that preparers face, and gives practical recommendations to guide more organisations on the path to integrated reporting.
There has been great progress in terms of the explicit commitment to integrated reporting, the gathering momentum of reporting against UN Sustainable Development Goals, innovations in assurance, and improvements in terms of materiality determination and the conciseness of reports.
However, ACCA has identified areas where the quality of reporting is not improving which need additional focus including:
• Reporting in a balanced way – such that the report doesn’t read like a marketing document, but instead demonstrates a fair and balanced picture of their business and its strategy to create value over time
• Reporting performance against strategic objectives
• Reporting on risks and opportunities
• Describing the business model.