EUHLG Expert Group on Sustainable Finance: Financing a Sustainable European Economy
Fostering long-termism in financial and real economy investment decisions; reviewing corporate reporting, stewardship and governance practices and promoting integrated reporting.
The High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance recommends reforming the EU’s rules and financial policies to facilitate green and sustainable investment. We need to make sure that capital flows towards sustainable projects and serves our long-term goals. For this, as the first priority, it requires work on changing the investment culture and behaviour of all market participants.
The Interim Report provides a set of recommendations for action. In particular, suggestions for a classification system for sustainable assets and a European standard and label for green bonds have great potential. They should be explored further, as a step towards our long-term goal of establishing EU labels and quality standards for all sustainable assets. These labels will provide the confidence and trust in sustainable and green products needed for investors to fund the transition to the low-carbon economy.