AICL: #India Adopts Integrated Reporting
Charles Tilley, CEO of International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)’s Foreword
Now more than ever integrated reporting is important for organisations’ long-term success and sustainable development. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to businesses across the world prioritising the health and safety of their employees, customers and local communities over financial profit, radically changing their business models to evolve with these challenging times.
Businesses need to show their stakeholders that they create value and report on not just financial capital but also intellectual, environmental, manufactured and human capitals to name a few. The International <IR> Framework helps organisations to gain a holistic view of their business by providing a clear overview of all their capitals, which are more wide-ranging than environmental, social and corporate governance factors.
By being more transparent in their practices and culture, organisations gain the trust of their many different stakeholders, which in turn contributes to sustainable development and responsible capitalism.
I am very encouraged to see in AICL Communications’ #IndiaAdoptsIR publication that nearly 80 Indian companies are now voluntarily incorporating the International <IR> Framework into their business models and strategies. Not only does this reflect the accelerating adoption of integrated reporting globally, but that India is making great strides in leading the way to sustainable value creation in South Asia.
Read the report in full here.