REA + REGA del Consejo General de Economistas

REA + REGA del Consejo General de Economistas
Training License: Spain
Direct contact: Paloma Belmonte palomabelmonte@
Consejo General de Economistas (CGE) is a professional organisation of economists in Spain that operates in Spain through 65 regional “Colegios” in different cities within the country and represents 65.000 professionals.
CGE has the official recognition granted by Law to affiliate professionals. Members have a Degree in Economics or Business Administration. Only professionals holding a degree in Economics and Business Sciences that belong to CGE can use the title of Economist.
The specialised sections of the CGE are an essential part of the collegiate organisation created to provide professional support and promote the activity of professional economic and business environment in different areas of activity: auditors, tax advisors, forensic auditors, IT auditors, accountants, financial advisors, payroll advisors and education in economic related areas. These sections offer, among other services, information and technical assistance, legal advice, publications, courses and seminars that promote professional development of the members.
Registro de Economistas Auditores (REA+REGA) of the CGE is one of the specialised sections and the first Corporation of auditors in Spain representing the majority of the auditors and audit firms (60%).
REA+REGA have, among others, the following functions: develop, adapt and revise auditing standards, ethics and internal quality control (both as voluntary request or as per the request of the ICAC/Institute of Accounting and Accounts Auditing), the official regulator, propose and implement jointly the professional examinations of access to ROAC (Official Accounts Auditors Charter), organize and provide the theoretical training courses required to obtain authorization and registration in the ROAC, and continuing education activities .
REA+REGA has relationship with Spanish regulators (ICAC and CNMV, among others), international standards setting bodies, universities, academic institutions, professional associations (EFAA), public institutions, training providers, among others.
REA+REGA is delighted to become an Integrated Reporting Training Partner. For us, training in Integrated Reporting our professional and organisational stakeholders is essential. Our goal is to transform their business practices and models through sustainable long-term behaviours that recognise the changing nature of the business environment. By providing confidence to different stakeholders our ultimate aim is to develop “integrated thinking” as business practice in Spain.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions about this training or to request further information.