Turkey, Industrials
What Çimsa says about its journey towards integrated reporting
Çimsa’s journey to integrated reporting started with a focus on corporate governance and exemplary financial reporting – winning a gold medal in the 2009 ARC Awards for its financial report.
Since 2010, Çimsa has published sustainability reports in line with the Global Reporting Initiative reporting principles. It also won the ‘CDP Turkey 2016 climate leader award’ on the back of its approach to climate change reporting.
Çimsa published its first integrated reporting in 2016, reviewing its outputs across the IIRC’s six capitals. Çimsa has been a participant of the <IR> Business Network since 2013.
For Çimsa, the integrated report demonstrates the organisation’s integrated thinking and sustainability throughout its business processes. It is a reflection of Çimsa’s efforts to carry out business in a way that is right for the society it belongs in and for the world.
Çimsa was a founding member of the Integrated Reporting Turkey Network (ERTA), which was established to raise awareness about integrated thinking and reporting throughout Turkey.
You can view Çimsa’s 2019 Integrated Annual Report Summary here.
About Çimsa
Çimsa, a subsidiary of Sabancı Holding, was established in 1972 in Mersin, Turkey and is an international cement manufacturer with terminals in Hamburg (Germany), Trieste (Italy), Sevilla (Spain) Alicante (Spain), Famagusta (T.R.N.C.), Constanza (Romania) and Novorossiysk (Russia).