Turkish translation of the <IR> Framework published
The Value Reporting Foundation has today published the updated translation of the International <IR> Framework in Turkish, which was facilitated by the Integrated Reporting Network Turkiye (ERTA).
Revisions to the International <IR> Framework were published in January 2021 to provide further guidance and clarity to report preparers and advance high-quality adoption of integrated reporting. Today’s publication brings the Turkish translation up to date to reflect these revisions and accelerate adoption across Turkey.
The Value Reporting Foundation would like to thank the Center for Finance, Governance and Sustainability (CFGS) for producing the translation, and the review committee from ERTA, ÇİMSA and Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB) whose expertise facilitated this translation.
Commenting on the translation, Prof. Dr. Güler Aras, Founding Chair of ERTA and <IR> Ambassador, said:
“I firmly believe that the <IR> Framework, which provides a sound basis for the global reporting ecosystem, will play a critical role and contribute significantly to the responsibility of accountability, sustainable value creation process, and long-term strategies of institutions.
In the period in which the integrated thinking approach gained momentum among institutions in Turkey, as ERTA, we are very happy to share the Turkish translation of the <IR> Framework.”
Jeremy Osborn, Director of Business Relationships & Networks, added:
“More organisations across the world are realizing the benefits of integrated reporting in providing a clear and concise representation of their strategy, governance, performance and prospects to investors. Indeed, we have seen increasing adoption of integrated reporting from some of Turkey’s largest organisations, including financial services provider Garanti BBVA and global building materials manufacturer ÇİMSA.
We are very grateful to ERTA for facilitating the Turkish translation of the <IR> Framework. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Güler Aras, ERTA is a prominent supporter of integrated thinking and reporting and is leading the way in raising awareness and best practice amongst institutions and organisations. The Turkish translation of the <IR> Framework will enable even more organisations in Turkey to adopt the <IR> Framework and experience the benefits of improved reporting and long-term value creation.”