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Revisions to the International <IR> Framework - virtual launch event

Posted 20 January, 2021



The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has published revisions to the <IR> Framework to enable more decision-useful reporting.

The revisions, the first since the <IR> Framework was originally published in 2013, are the result of extensive market consultation with 1,470 individuals in 55 jurisdictions. The consultation demonstrated that the conceptual thinking and principles of the <IR> Framework remain fit for purpose and robust, as evidenced by the 2,500 organisations in over 70 countries that use it.

However, analysis of the feedback by the IIRC’s <IR> Framework Board identified opportunities to clarify concepts, simplify guidance for report preparers and underpin better quality integrated reports.

Our industry-leading speakers who offered their expert insights into the <IR> Framework were:

  • Lisa French, Chief Technical Officer, IIRC
  • Sandra Schoonhoven, Head of Sustainability, ING Group
  • Suresh Gooneratne, Chief Financial Officer, Diesel & Motor Engineering
  • Michelle Edkins, Managing Director, BlackRock Investment Stewardship
  • Charles Tilley, Chief Executive Officer, IIRC

Our apologies that due to technical issues throughout the recording some of the speaker’s visual input is disrupted. We do hope, however, that this recording shares vital insights into this new revision.