Last chance to share your thoughts: International <IR> Framework consultation closes 19 August
6 August, 2020
There are just 13 days left to respond to the IIRC’s consultation on revisions to the International Integrated Reporting Framework.
Feedback is encouraged through our online survey:
The consultation focuses on two key revisions:
- How those charged with governance take responsibility for the integrated report
- How to ensure businesses report effectively on outcomes/impacts – both positive and negative.
There are also questions around areas the IIRC might consider in the future, including:
- The primary purpose of an integrated report
- The publication of authoritative sources of indicators and methodologies across the capitals
- Deeper insights into integrated thinking
- The role of technology
- The development of assurance.
More than 1,000 people have attended over 20 virtual roundtables hosted by IIRC partners internationally, to share their thoughts on revisions to the <IR> Framework.
If you haven’t already added your thoughts to this dialogue, we encourage you to do so through the online survey.