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IIRC addresses the Corporate Reporting Users' Forum

Posted 21 December, 2015

In December 2015 Derek Haynes, Region Lead: UK, IIRC spoke to the Corporate Reporting Users’ Forum (CRUF) in London about the forthcoming IIRC publication on human capital. CRUF is an informal group of users that include buy and sell-side analysts, credit ratings analysts, fund managers and corporate governance professionals, with groups meeting on a regular basis in 11 countries around the world.  This was a new topic area for the participants and there was a lively debate.  While opinions varied, industry relevant data for example as retention rates and training spend for people focused businesses, was considered important. It was agreed that this information could be useful, but would need to be measured consistently.

If you are an investor or analyst and would like to get more information on who the CRUF are and what they do, then please see