Celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary: Reflections from around the world
We are celebrating the IIRC’s ten year anniversary through the publication of over 50 testimonials from those individuals around the world that have had a key role in developing, implementing and advocating the adoption of integrated thinking and reporting.
The IIRC was established in 2010, in response to the global financial crisis, when solutions were needed to mitigate the risk of such a collapse of the financial system happening again. We are now celebrating our tenth anniversary during a new global crisis – the ongoing health pandemic that has already caused lasting devastation around the world.
It has led an increased understanding of the importance of a multi-capital outlook that prioritises human and social capital, and of the importance of communicating effectively with stakeholders so that they have the confidence in the organisation to navigate these testing times.
As Marianne de Bie, Senior Advisor Corporate Affairs, Royal Schiphol Group wrote: “Integrated thinking and reporting is a road, is a journey.. And journeys change. At the beginning of this tenth anniversary year, nobody would have thought that everything that felt ‘normal’ would change so deeply. In just a couple of months. The only good it maybe has brought is that individuals, companies, sectors have started checking and rethinking their ‘purpose’. A word suddenly very fashionable, but when applied with integrity, it’s all about integrated thinking.”
Our 10 Year Anniversary publication shares insights and advice from those at the cutting edge of integrated reporting and thinking, including from our IIRC Council and Board Members, <IR> Business Network participants and those individuals that were instrumental in the establishment of the IIRC.
The publication is a testament to the huge strides made over the last ten years and the strong belief that the adoption of integrated reporting in organisations supports long-term value creation and sustainable development.
For more information, visit our dedicated website: integratedreporting.ifrs.org/10-years
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