Spread the word
We recognise that many organisations help support global adoption of integrated reporting through endorsement, advocacy and profile-raising within your own networks. In fact, the global reach of our work, and the resulting momentum in integrated reporting adoption, would not be possible without this valuable support.
Promote innovation
We will continue to promote innovation across the corporate reporting landscape through a variety of means. Our engagement with leaders in the field both internationally and locally will be focused on encouraging and supporting such innovation.
Build evidence
The fastest way to get movement towards integrated reporting is by presenting the evidence. We will continue to identify, collate and commission research and thought leadership that demonstrates how and why integrated reporting is being adopted. This will include working with partners to identify the benefits of applying integrated thinking.
Advocate integrated reporting
Our engagement in the global policy and regulatory arena to ensure integrated reporting is encouraged to flourish is crucial and we work internationally with standard setters, governments and regulators to build the conditions for integrated reporting.
The <IR> Examples Database
The <IR> Examples Database contains examples of emerging practice in integrated reporting, providing key insights for organisations that are developing, or planning to develop, an integrated report. The Database is populated continuously as new reports are released and the innovation we have seen since the Database was first launched in 2012 is incredible.
We rely on insight from our partners as to which reports to feature on the Database. If you know of an organisation that is not yet on our list of integrated reporters or if you know a report that really stands for its application of any of the integrated reporting guiding principles, content elements or fundamental concepts you can suggest it here.