2020 Revision: <IR> Framework
Thank you to all those that responded to the IIRC’s consultation on revisions to the International <IR> Framework. The revised <IR> Framework was published on 19 January 2021.
The IIRC called for feedback on a Consultation Draft [download PDF] between May and August 2020, proposing revisions to the International <IR> Framework. The draft was accompanied by a Companion Document [download PDF], that set out the consultation questions and basis for conclusions.
During the consultation period, over 1,000 individuals attended 21 regional roundtables hosted by the IIRC’s partners globally to share their thoughts. Feedback was also received through an online survey.
The Consultation Draft was informed by the 300 responses the IIRC received on topic papers published in February 2020, ongoing market observation of market practice internationally, as well as detailed discussions of the IIRC’s <IR> Framework Board.
Revision Timeline: