Why Asset Owners Should Use The Integrated Reporting Framework
Keith Ambachtsheer, President, KPA Advisory has written a letter to clients outlining the importance of the International Integrated Reporting Framework.
Writing in the letter, Mr Ambachtsheer stated that, “The very act of choosing to tell its story using the medium of integrated thinking sends the message to an organisation’s stakeholders that it cares deeply about creating sustainable value for them.”
He continues, “Initial efforts by pension funds to use the Framework showed the potential to materially improve stakeholder communications in a number of ways, but that more work needed to be done to turn that potential into reality.”
His letter sets out a roadmap for how asset owners can use the <IR> Framework in the context of their own business.
Mr Ambachtsheer argues this will enable them to look at value creation on a micro and macro level, make balanced decisions taking into consideration the interests of all stakeholders, build effective corporate governance, bring clarity to their business model, and align performance with stated ambitions.
The original letter by Keith Ambachtsheer of KPA Advisory, can be found here.