IIRC release results of Stakeholder Feedback Survey
5 December, 2016
The IIRC today releases the results of the IIRC’s first ever stakeholder feedback survey. There were 535 responses to the survey which was live between 25 May and 24 June 2016.
Important findings include:
Global views on <IR>
- 62% of respondents believe that the IIRC is making excellent or good progress towards global adoption of <IR>.
- 75% of respondents believe that <IR> is very aligned or somewhat aligned to the needs and opportunities of the respondents’ markets
- 78% of respondents agree that the International <IR> Framework is a very high-quality or high-quality framework for reporting value creation over time.
- 87% of responses strongly agree or agree that <IR> promotes a more joined up and efficient approach to corporate reporting
Views on the corporate reporting system
- 59% of respondents rated the current elements of corporate reporting only as quite joined up or not joined up at all.
- 61% strongly agree or agree that the IIRC is being successful in achieving change in the global corporate reporting landscape.
- 74% strongly agree or agree that <IR> is an ‘umbrella’ for corporate reporting, providing the context and linkage for other forms of reporting.
Views on the work of the IIRC
- 45% of the total global responses say they do not know whether the institutional arrangements for the IIRC are appropriate to the overall aims of the IIRC relating to <IR>. However, 45% strongly agree or agree that they are appropriate.
- 38% strongly agree or agree that the composition of the IIRC Board and Council includes a balance of stakeholders (the result for the IIRC Family is 53%). However, 49% have no opinion.
- 54% of the total respondents think the IIRC is highly effective or effective at building good relationships with its partners and advocates. This rises to 68% for the IIRC Family.
The full findings are available.